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Our tool estimates the potential earnings of a YouTube channel based on public data such as views, CPM (Cost per Thousand Impressions), and traffic patterns.
Our users often ask us these questions:
We will try to explain the basics about our algorithm here.
We use public YouTube traffic data and the YouTube API to fetch the statistics of each channel. This includes subscriber counts, video views, and engagement metrics. From there, we calculate the potential revenue based on views and typical CPM (Cost per Thousand Impressions) values.
We estimate the revenue potential of a channel by calculating its monthly and yearly earnings based on the views and average CPM rates. While we know every channel is unique (some have higher CPMs due to niche content, audience engagement, or ad types), our estimation is a basic approximation using average industry CPM values.
We assume that the channel is monetized with ads and potentially affiliate programs. Some channels might not be monetized directly through ads or other revenue models, so our figures represent the potential revenue, not actual earnings.
We calculate the estimated worth of a channel based on its estimated daily, monthly, and annual revenue. This calculation uses traffic and engagement figures, with the assumption that the channel's traffic is monetized through ads.
Our goal is to provide a comparison tool to help you track the potential progress of YouTube channels. Improving your YouTube channel and growing your audience is a complex process, but tools like ours can give you a score or ranking to track your growth and compare with other channels.
We are fully aware that these estimations are not 100% accurate. After all, we are working with publicly available data, which might not always reflect a channel's actual earnings. The algorithm assumes that the channel uses advertisements and affiliate marketing to generate revenue, which may not always be the case.
Please keep in mind that this is just an approximation, and the numbers generated by our tool should not be considered as an exact measurement of a channel's earnings. Use the tool to get a general idea of potential revenue based on publicly available statistics.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our methodology, feel free to contact us via our contact page.